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Linking Excel to a SQL Database

The following VB code links data connections to a database for SQL access. To use the code, copy from this text file.


In MSExcel, Module1:

Public Sub updateConnections()
    'Copyright (c) 2012 Richard M. Bixler, All Rights Reserved. Do not delete this copyright notice.

    'Updates connections, to definitions defined in table on DataSources tab.
    Dim connectionSheet As Worksheet
    Dim tblConnectionConfig As ListObject
    Dim thisListRow As ListRow
    Dim thisConnection As WorkbookConnection
    Dim strConnectionName As String, strAltPath As String, _
        strPriPath As String, strTableName As String, strLinkType As String
    Dim thisConnectionRowFound As Boolean
    Dim thisCell As Range
    Dim nameIndex As Integer, altPathIndex As Integer, _
        priPathIndex As Integer, tableNameIndex As Integer, _
        linkTypeIndex As Integer
    Dim thisListObject As ListObject
    Dim thisListObjectObject As Variant, thisSheetObject As Variant, objectRow As Variant
    Dim thisSheet As Worksheet
    Dim thisQuery As QueryTable
    Dim thisConnectionString As String, dataSourceStringExisting As String, _
        strPathSymbol As String, strThisWorkbookPath As String, strTargetFileName As String
    Dim leftDelim As String, oldPath As String, dataSourceStringNew As String, _
        dataSourceFileName As String
    Dim dbSourceFile As String, dbTableSheet As String, sDatabase As String, _
        dbTable As String, sSQL As String
    Dim leftChar As Long, rightChar As Long, rightChar2 As Long
    Dim thisRow As Range
    Dim fsFileSystem As New FileSystemObject
    Dim thisPivotObject As Variant
    Dim thisPivot As PivotTable
    Dim thisPivotCache As PivotCache
    Dim thisWorkbook As Workbook
    leftDelim = ";Data Source="
    Set thisWorkbook = module1.myworkbook
    Set myWorkbook = thisWorkbook
    strThisWorkbookPath = thisWorkbook.Path
    Set connectionSheet = thisWorkbook.Worksheets("DataSources")
    Set tblConnectionConfig = connectionSheet.ListObjects("tblConnectionConfig")
    'Get table column names
    nameIndex = 0
    priPathIndex = 0
    altPathIndex = 0
    tableNameIndex = 0
    linkTypeIndex = 0
    For Each thisCell In tblConnectionConfig.HeaderRowRange
        Select Case thisCell.Value2
            Case "Connection Name"
                nameIndex = thisCell.Column
            Case "Alternate Path"
                altPathIndex = thisCell.Column
            Case "Primary Path"
                priPathIndex = thisCell.Column
            Case "Table Name"
                tableNameIndex = thisCell.Column
            Case "LinkType"
                linkTypeIndex = thisCell.Column
        End Select
    Next thisCell
    For Each thisConnection In thisWorkbook.Connections
        'Find listRow for this connection
        thisConnectionRowFound = False
        For Each thisListRow In tblConnectionConfig.ListRows
            strConnectionName = ""
            strAltPath = ""
            strPriPath = ""
            strTableName = ""
            strLinkType = ""
            If nameIndex > 0 Then strConnectionName = thisListRow.Range.Cells(1, nameIndex)
            If altPathIndex > 0 Then strAltPath = thisListRow.Range.Cells(1, altPathIndex)
            If priPathIndex > 0 Then strPriPath = thisListRow.Range.Cells(1, priPathIndex)
            If tableNameIndex > 0 Then strTableName = thisListRow.Range.Cells(1, tableNameIndex)
            If linkTypeIndex > 0 Then strLinkType = thisListRow.Range.Cells(1, linkTypeIndex)
            If (strLinkType = "TableSource" Or strLinkType = "PivotSource") And _
                        strConnectionName = thisConnection.Name Then
                thisConnectionRowFound = True
                Application.StatusBar = "Linking " & strConnectionName
                'Perform the link update
                'First convert relative path to absolute
                'Primary path first
                sDatabase = strEvalPath(strPriPath, thisWorkbook)
                If sDatabase = "" Then sDatabase = strEvalPath(strAltPath, thisWorkbook)
                If sDatabase <> "" And fsFileSystem.FileExists(filespec:=sDatabase) Then
                    'At this point, sDatabase contains correct NEW path. Fix connection path here
                    'Get the existing connection string, and extract the datasource file and path
                    thisConnectionString = thisConnection.OLEDBConnection.Connection
                    leftChar = InStr(1, thisConnectionString, leftDelim, vbTextCompare) + _
                    rightChar = InStr(leftChar, thisConnectionString, ";", vbTextCompare)
                    dataSourceStringExisting = Mid(thisConnectionString, leftChar, rightChar - _
                    'From the existing datasource file path, separate into path and file name
                    rightChar2 = InStrRev(dataSourceStringExisting, "\", -1, vbTextCompare)
                    oldPath = Left(dataSourceStringExisting, rightChar2)
                    dataSourceFileName = Right(dataSourceStringExisting, _
                            Len(dataSourceStringExisting) - rightChar2)
                    'Put the new path with the datasource file name, 
                    'and update the connection string
                    dataSourceStringNew = sDatabase
                    thisConnectionString = Replace(thisConnectionString, _
                        dataSourceStringExisting, dataSourceStringNew, 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
                    sSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & strTableName
                    'Update the query object with the new source file info, and refresh
                    thisConnection.OLEDBConnection.Connection = thisConnectionString
                    thisConnection.OLEDBConnection.SourceConnectionFile = dataSourceStringNew
                    thisConnection.OLEDBConnection.CommandType = xlCmdSql
                    thisConnection.OLEDBConnection.CommandText = sSQL
                Else    'file does not exist
                    MsgBox prompt:="File does not exist: " & sDatabase, Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _
                            Title:="Missing File"
                    Application.StatusBar = ""
                    Exit Sub
                End If  'fsFileSystem.FileExists
            End If
            If thisConnectionRowFound Then Exit For
        Next thisListRow
    Next thisConnection
    Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub

Public Function strEvalPath(ByVal strPathName As String, ByVal thisWorkbook As Workbook) _
        As String
'Copyright (c) 2012 Richard M. Bixler, All Rights Reserved. Do not delete this copyright notice.

    Dim strPathSymbol As String, strTargetFileName As String, strThisWorkbookPath As String
    strTargetFileName = ""
    strEvalPath = ""
    strThisWorkbookPath = thisWorkbook.Path
    If strPathName <> "" Then
        If Left(strPathName, 2) = ".\" Then
            strPathSymbol = ".\"
            strTargetFileName = Right(strPathName, Len(strPathName) - 2)
        ElseIf Left(strPathName, 2) = "\\" Then
            strPathSymbol = "\\"
        ElseIf Left(strPathName, 3) = "..\" Then
            strPathSymbol = "..\"
            strTargetFileName = Right(strPathName, Len(strPathName) - 3)
            strPathSymbol = ""
            strTargetFileName = strPathName
        End If
        Select Case strPathSymbol
            Case "", ".\"
                strEvalPath = strThisWorkbookPath & "\" & strTargetFileName
            Case Else
                strEvalPath = myFileSystemObject.GetAbsolutePathName(strPathName)
        End Select
        If strEvalPath = "" Or Not myFileSystemObject.FileExists(strEvalPath) Then strEvalPath = ""
    End If 'strPathName is not null
End Function

Updating an Excel Pivot Table when its tab is selected

The following VB code updates Excel pivot tables on a tab when the tab is selected. To use the code, copy from this text file.


In MSExcel, Module1:

'This code should be replicated in each worksheet containing pivot tables
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Dim thisWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim thisPivot As PivotTable
    Set thisWorksheet = ActiveSheet
    For Each thisPivot In thisWorksheet.PivotTables
    Next thisPivot
End Sub

Linking an Excel Structured Table as Input into Microsoft Access

This code maps a named range, accessible to link as input to MSAccess, to cover the same area as an Excel structured table. The range is created if it doesn't exist, and is updated as changes are made to the table content or dimensions. To use the code, copy from this text file.

In each MSExcel tab containing a Structured Table to be made available for linking into MSAccess:

'This code should be replicated in each worksheet containing a Structured Table
'   to be made available for linking into MSAccess
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target as Range)
    Module1.TableUpdate Target:=Target
End Sub

In an Excel VBA code module named "Module1":

    Public Sub TableUpdate(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Copyright (c) 2015 Richard M. Bixler, All Rights Reserved. Do not delete this copyright notice.

    'Keeps a range object in sync with table definition. Range object is updated each time the table 
    '   is changed/selected.
    Dim tblTarget As ListObject, thisListObject As ListObject
    Dim cellChanged As Range, rngTarget As Range
    Dim strTableName As String, strRangeName As String, strTblRangePrefix As String
    If Target Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set cellChanged = Target
    strTblRangePrefix = Worksheets("DataSources").Range("RangePrefix").Cells(1, 1).Value2
    For Each thisListObject In cellChanged.Worksheet.ListObjects
        If Not Intersect(cellChanged, thisListObject.Range) Is Nothing Then
            Set tblTarget = thisListObject
            strTableName = tblTarget.Name
            strRangeName = strTableName
            If Left(strRangeName, 3) = "tbl" Then strRangeName = Right(strRangeName, _
                Len(strRangeName) - 3)
            strRangeName = strTblRangePrefix & strRangeName
            Set rngTarget = tblTarget.Range
            rngTarget.Name = strRangeName
            Exit For
        End If
    Next thisListObject
End Sub